Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Upcoming Schoolwork and Finals: Religion Classes Edition

Okay, so, good news: having all those assignments I totally spaced in Religion 200 class, usually there's no late assignments due but my teacher happens to be late with grading everyone's assignments right now, having spent a lot of time over the past few weeks getting his house sold. (It's really kind of amazing how much we know about these people's lives.) He's late grading, right, so I totally got his permission to get in and do the assignments I'd spaced, because he has yet to grade those anyway, so from his perspective they're not late. The ones I'd spaced, specifically- any ones that I deliberately didn't do, there's no making up. I have a case (an assignment that was due on the day where there was no class) which is kind of borderline (I'd figured there'd be no homework for that class that day since there wasn't class, and by the time I checked to confirm and that turned out inaccurate I only had time to do the other assignment due) so I'm not sure whether I should make it up or not, but overall this is good news.

Because I'm pretty hosed in that class as it is, otherwise, with all those things I'd failed to turn in.

My fast this Sunday was to be able to get through my studies this month. I paid my tithing, which had been building up since the beginning of the semester, as well. Blessings ensured, and blessings procured.

Meanwhile in my other religion class, there's a big paper, a couple of them actually, due at the end of the semester, as one of the only grades in the class. I've chosen the topic of Axis Mundi, to do my paper on. Expect a lot of posts on that in the near future, as I research and write about it.

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