Sunday, July 17, 2016

Preemptively, I'm So Sorry

I actually have... a lot less work that I need done than I'd thought. It won't be, metaphorically, completely random example here but, a cakewalk, or anything, I don't think, but this will, I do think, actually be possible.

I hope.

But you're not here to learn about my personal issues ("I'm not!?", you ask yourself in shock, your (Google Glass?) monocle popping off and plinking with a wettish splash into your teacup.) You're here to watch clip of unironically embarrassing Teen Wolf sequel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi son. I just caught up on your writings for this past week. We'll be praying for your success as you finish up the semester. Focus and make priorities a priority. Love, dad
