Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Exactly Two Things I Got Done Today

I got things done today in times that should have been a lot shorter. Going to the district library to print out my ridiculous number of papers that I'd gone to the library already meaning to print them out yesterday, but long circumstances that maybe I'll tell you about in a few days when I no longer have finals breathing down my throat-- er, neck-- going back to the library today, not wanting to pay 4 whole cents per page to print out my 40ish documents, like I'd have to do at the school, finally actually getting around to actually getting onto a computer (they had Ms Marvel TPBs, okay, geez,) with my library card number this time, realizing that it also requires you to have a PIN to log on, realizing I don't know my PIN, reading more comics (Guardians of the Galaxy!) finally getting back to a computer and just using some stranger's account, logging in but noticing a card next to the keyboard, before even opening any docs, that informs that prints are 10 cents per page; 10 pages printed out for the cost of 25 pages back at the school, so all those hours spent chilling at the library (even if it did mean bumping into McKenna again one last time on the way back yesterday) were basically for naught, and, this has all been one sentence maybe I should just take a breath.

And I'm at the Spori computer lab right now, it having taken me an hour to do a scan for artwork that should have taken me 5 minutes to scan and post. People were, sitting at all the scan stations, already. And there is one spot open, but that computer hates me and never lets me log on, and... And it hated me, and it didn't let me log on.

I still have those writings to do. But... with the binder materials printed out, and one more art assignment knocked out of the park... those writings are, basically, all I need to do.

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