Friday, July 1, 2016

Jim Butcher Spider-Man, Canada Day, and a Leaping Squirrel Yay

It was fully one decade ago today that Jim Butcher's Spider-Man novel, Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours, was first published. Being on, as I am, both a Spider-Man kick (until the movie comes out) and a Jim Butcher kick (until I tire of urban fantasy (which will be never)) I couldn't let this day pass without bringing that up.

Man, is it July already? Not, "already," but- the first of the month, dang. Canada Day. I think they had some sort of party at Toben's place- I could hear them in the adjoining apartment, from where I was in the lounge working on art homework (that should have been turned in last Monday!). I assume it was something Canada-Day-related (Toben is from Canada.) I actually really kinda wanted to go down there and check it out, see if there were snacks or something. 

As fun as working on homework is (when it's art homework and also with late work actually accepted), maybe it was the deadline stressing me with the knowledge that I couldn't take my time with it (late work would still have been accepted after today, but with an even steeper drop in grade points) but, it felt kind of draining, like it was something to push through, like I needed to go recharge my batteries at the Canada Day party. Does that make me an extrovert? I dunno. Still don't believe in that kind of thing...

It was probably the deadline.

Click to embiggen!
Getting that painting done (and the other paintings required of the assignment, which are a fair sight more non-representational) was basically what I did with the day. I remember the day being really long, but this is seriously all I can remember of it. Well, not "all," but...


  1. Oh, I love your piece of art work. What medium did you use?

    1. Acrylic paint on vellum bristol board- paint the background separate from the foreground elements, cut the foreground elements out and arrange them until the composition is pleasing.* Then glue them to the background.

      *Part of the assignment was to get atmospheric perspective in, so I knew I needed two trees in the background, but I didn't know how to arrange the second one until I did it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That's because it was written by dad and I didn't know how to edit the post to add my name... I too wanted to compliment your picture. Mom has posted it as our wallpaper on the computer screen. Have a great weekend, but keep track of your assignments so you can turn assignments in on time. Perhaps work ahead on some projects instead of rushing at the last moment before they are due. Love, Dad
