Friday, January 19, 2018

Jack Learns How to Draw Good

Okay so people who write how to draw books are just people, but who write how to draw books, and I'm not sure where I was going with that but it seems significant so remember that fact, but seriously they're just ordinary folks who happen to draw good. Draw good, I tell you. Actually, scratch that, illustrators in general, not just how-to-draw book authors, are just everyday folks, not even remotely close to being celebrities which-are-somehow-not-everyday-folks. Seriously, where was I going with this.

Oh yeah. So you know those blogs that consist of nothing but one or two (or three or four) posts, whose contents consist of some variation of the phrase "you know, I really should post here more?" And such blogs tend to be illustrators', I've noticed (not that I generally try to access the blogs of, say, postal workers; maybe there's not some statistical vortex around illustrators and their blogs, but those are the ones I've noticed.) 

Even if I may not do actual art-based, illustration-based social media that often, I've got a leg up on the blog department; mine's not a total embarrassment yay. 

Grawlix, dude, maybe I am more of a writer than I am an illustrator.

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