Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I'm in the Tomb of Horrors right now, waiting for midnight to reset everything and remove Art3mis's magic barrier. Also in the real world, trying to get this post up before midnight. And a YouTube video up before midnight tomorrow night. The video will be about Overwatch, and it's something I've been thinking about.

The book was written in 2011; the film comes out this year. There's a Tracer in the trailer here, and what looks like a Mei behind her (EDIT: Upon second freezeframe, that's actually totally Chun-Li from Street Fighter, my bad). Overwatch of course only came out 2016, so there wouldn't be any of that in the book. Fascinating how quickly the future changes.

But what's really on my mind is the dedication, obsession rather, exhibited. By Wade Watts, gunter extraordinaire, memorizing every detail of 80s pop culture, twelve hours a day, seven days a week. By professional Overwatch players, daily engaged in seven straight hours of nothing but practice in order to stay so good. It's insane.

How many hours did Malcolm Gladwell say, practice needed to be world-class in any given category? Loads and loads, man. Not sure if I have a point to any of this, just, two things that I'm thinking about lately, that are synergizing right now.

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