Monday, January 15, 2018

Social Media Problems, and Why They May Not Be Problems

I went to bed at like 7:00 and hopefully will wake up early tomorrow. Though it's 12:42 here and I'm awake right now just to write this. Not sure I've got much to say. 

Dreaming there's a teammate in my head who wants me to talk about team composition. I did have the idea yesterday morning of like a YouTube video breaking down the fight scene in Captain America: Civil War as a lesson in metagame and derive lessons from it to apply in Overwatch. If done right, that has the potential of getting ALL the views. But as it stands... 

I realized last night that I probably wouldn't. Not, wouldn't view it, because seriously if watch that thing ten times in a row, but I wouldn't be able to make something close to that. Shouldn't try to make anything close to that. The way I use social media, I...

I've been trying to get myself to post more, more art or any art at all, like my artist friends all do. But it's not coming naturally to me. Up till now I've been thinking that's something I should fight against, but now I'm not as sure. There are some things that are hard and don't come easily but you should do anyway, and there are some things that are hard and don't come naturally that you shouldn't even try to force, and I'm not sure what this one is.

I blog every day, and I guess I Facebook but looking at it it's definitely not in the same pattern that everyone else seems to Facebook. I'm only technically a millennial; this stuff doesn't come naturally to me. I enjoy archiving and recording details about my life, which explains this blogging, but...

I just don't know. The only reason I should try to force it is if I genuinely WANT the marketing. I'm not even really a furry; I (well maybe loathe is a strong word) the mainstream fandom, the idea of this monoculture which is like the opposite of what it should be. There happens to be an overlap in basically all the other interests, except for that one, which seems rather fundamental to me. And that makes it kind of difficult to do anything, represent myself. All the other furry YouTubers all seem to be doing videos just on the fandom itself somehow, for some reason, and that leaves plenty of opening elsewhere, but it's about more they just whether there's an opening for it.

I'm trying to rethink the entire strategy, flip it on its ear. There's got to be something fundamental that we're taking for granted that we don't need to be. About, the way we use these platforms. I could go on and on about this; I'm sorry.

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