Sunday, May 7, 2017

First Seeking

Seek ye first the kingdom of God; where your treasure is there will your heart be also. I guess we define ourselves most by that which we keep closest to the chest, and that by what hands we don't want to play, parts of ourselves we don't want to reveal and thus double back on. Feeling accepted keeps me safe, but the corollary is that I wrap myself in that- I speak of being a furry, which still takes me aback. I go into detail in a post I haven't yet posted, but have as part of a backlog thing for one of the... well, when do I have that planned for, I don't know. One of the days I missed, as part of this larger thing. And I guess this actually has nothing to do with being a furry; never mind! (I realized today that I have Asperger's; I'd forgotten about that. That was surprising.)

Well, it kind of does, but everything pertinent is already explained- in that other post.

But here I wanted to go into, seek ye first the kingdom of God- Matt 6:33, Luke 12:31. I quote these scriptures, it seems oh so pious, but with everything I'm only seeking those things because I'm seeking the things of the world first. There was a lesson on avoiding bad media, but I was all, but I gotta learn these media, the more media the better, because I'm a storyteller and I need stories to tell. But that showed what I was seeking first. So I don't know. I don't even know what the kingdom of God would be, that I'd seek it. That anything would be added unto me, much less "all these things," well I guess there's just faith needed to accept that.

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