Monday, May 8, 2017

I Yell About Naps

Mondays continue to be INSANE HOMEWORK DAYS for me even this semester, apparently. There was a big project due in my Information Design class- and this semester, there's only three such projects instead of four. So I count it a blessing that my thumby-drive on which I have most of the relevant project is temporarily misplaced; it means that I didn't have to turn anything in, and could work on my other projects, like taking inordinate amounts of nap. My FitBit tells the story:

I get a little under 6 and a half hours during the week, but make up for it on the weekend with NINE HOURS OF SLEEP A DAY including naps. (This post includes A LOT OF YELLING apparently.) Today, with my stuff due in Information Design class that I hadn't done, I'd been TOTALLY GOING to get on it and not procrastinate, and in a sense I didn't! But I also napped. I'd meant to wake up at three... but then when I tried that it was no fun... and I only woke up for real at 4:30 because some guy was calling me back. Wrong number.

I'm sleeping on the couch recently; my bed just makes such a convenient storage area I'd hate to break it up...

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