Tuesday, May 30, 2017


It's a miracle I got it compiled in time for class; I did notice the mistake in time but not in time to compile a new video. There should be a title at first, something along the lines of they expected him to be a conqueror. But (and I think I know the reason) that didn't make it into the final video. It'd take half an hour in editing and compiling time, max, in order to fix it, but then I'd have to upload a new video and decide what to do with this old one...

Based it off of Mark which ends abruptly, or at least not all the earliest manuscripts have 16:9-20. So I suppose it's fitting that it begins abruptly? Aargh I don't know; this was supposed to be a triumph but it's just another screwup. Which are fun but it must be nice to succeed once in a while...

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