Wednesday, May 30, 2012


   Hypercanes! Hyper hurricanes. A real thing. Well, really hypothetical, so, a real hypothetical thing. First off: Why is this not yet a Syfy original disaster movie? Such a scenario of large-scale destruction is right up their alley.

   Second off, some explanation. The largest tropical cyclone ever recorded, Typhoon Tip, only stretched out 1400 miles. A hypercane is a hypothetical hurricane that is the size of a CONTINENT, which I put in caps because it's A HURRICANE THE SIZE OF A STINKING CONTINENT and continents are generally twice the size of Typhoon Tip. (Australia, the smallest of the continents, is about that size northways, but, as anyone who know what Australia's shaped like could tell you, it's wider than it is tall.) Typhoons generate in the Pacific, which is a much larger ocean than the Atlantic, which is where hurricanes come from. Thus the hypercane in question would be heading towards North America or Europe. A larger storm in a smaller ocean means that more of the water gets sucked out to make the storm, which is then dumped on some of our most major cultural centers in the Northern Hemisphere. This massive shift in water volume would also be felt across the world. Even if you don't live in North America or Europe, there's going to be massive backsplash.

   Some gnarly waves to be caught, is my point.

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