Saturday, May 26, 2012


   If superheroes existed in real life, they'd be sponsored by biotech companies like InGen or Gen-Sys or some third one that's not fictional. This is just the sad(?) fact about what would happen. These guys have superpowers encoded into their DNA, and we're not going to sit on the sidelines when there's potentially billions of dollars to be made from those genes. In real life, biotech companies can patent genes without the owner's permission or even knowledge. In real life, some people have odd quirks in their genes, and while these don't (that I know of?) lead to superpowers other than fighting cancer exceptionally well, you can still freaking fight cancer with those genes. With superheroes, imagine what the biotech companies would do. Go on, just imagine it. Because superheroes aren't real so that's all you can do.

   I'm not writning any story about this or anything because that is what would happen in real life, and a story won't change anything. Anyone who actually thinks about the ramifications of having supermen would just be seen as copying my story idea, even though it's probably not actually mine as there is little doubt that such a story has already been written. I suppose some of the ramifications have been thought out- Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's X-Men, for instance, portrays racism of sorts against mutants, with people discriminating against those with preternatural mutant abilities just because those mutants have the ability to use their powers maliciously. Because it makes sense that the fact that someone has the power to end you at any time is a totally justified reason to treat them poorly. No, wait... Anyway, at least they're trying to treat the idea of superheroes in a realistic way. This trend seems to be continuing in cinema, reconciling over-the-top antics with real life. Which is good.

   Using superDNA to eliminate cancer could be nothing but good for the company's bottom line, after all. No, wait- they'd stop making money if they actually discovered the cure for anything. So, are they corrupt business executives, holding the technological innovations for themselves? Making them the supervillains. So, the superheroes are sponsored by the supervillains.

   Nope, still not gonna write this story. Because, that's just how it'd be in real life.

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