Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall TV: Arrow

   Third debates on Monday. Should I hold out till then? The only reason I'm even doing this run of new TV shows is because Elementary x.cbi axrgy Od.pnrjt up.atcbi Drnm.o while meanwhile Last Resort happened to look good. So now, I'm watching all the shows? I don't even know what good television is anymore.

   Anyway, turning now to the CW's Arrow, based off of the adventures of DC's Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow. I know it hasn't been the requisite three episodes yet, but since this is based off of an existing franchise (combined with the fact that we already know how they handled Smallville (combined with the fact that I've seen the ComicCon previews for later on in the season)) I think it's safe to venture out, no? Though now I just realized that a lot of that would be constituted as spoilers. Quality, though. It's about quality. Though I suppose we've only seen a couple episodes so far, and that's why we wait for a few more to get any indication of that. A lot of shows don't even hit their strides until later on, though (see: 90% of CBS programming)... Ah, well, too late now.

   Anyway, uh, so far it seems like it's achieving what other shows, most notably among them the Cape, were trying so desperately to grasp at: an actually pretty realistic and gritty take on the superhero mythos. Though so far we're still in the realistic stage, things I'd like to see later on? Green Lantern. Pow.

1 comment:

  1. I would absolutely love to see Green Lantern, Oliver Queen’s best friend, show up in Arrow, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon, sadly just because of how real and gritty the show is. I absolutely love this show, being a huge comic book fan, but I even have my coworkers at DISH watching it, and they have never even read the comics. I am recording every episode with my Hopper so that I can re-watch them all after the first season is done. I can’t wait to see the next episode, because I’m completely hooked to this show. I am so excited that they are bringing Deadshot into the show already!
