Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Groceries: The Budgeted

   Mmm. Of course budgeting is a word. Stupid, stupid. What did I think I was saying, budgetening? Budgetening. That's not a word, so that works.

   Also, where did I think I would get a waffle maker?

   I thought this would be an exercise in independence, but it only goes to prove my lack of ability to do basic independent things. So, I guess it succeeded there. As an exercise, at least. There was an exercise there. Also, food costs way less than $5, so I bought a lot more stuff than I thought I would. So now I've got my own meals and stuff, so that's good.


  1. DO you want a waffle maker for your birthday or for Christmas?

    1. Naw, I'm just looking for some books (and maybe- no, definitely- an upgrade cable for my hard drive (which are in stock again! Yaay!))
