I don't have many post ideas today that aren't Vin Diesel-related (be..cause... Vin Diesel?) but luckily Ryan shared the link for this video with me for some reason, sending me an email at midnight last night with nothing but the link to what's embedded here. As far as things on the internet go, it's fairly explicable, but as to why he emailed this to me out of the blue, ???.
Here you go, anyway:
That's... not much of a post, still. I'm sorry. Watch the videos in yesterday's post again, I guess?
Wow. I could say I'm speechless, but I'm sure I can come up with some words. Wild. Crazy. Insanity. And that deals with Ryan emailing you at midnight. Those same words go along with the following ones as far as my thoughts on the video goes: Funny. I liked parts. The screeching got to be a bit much. Wow.
Wow. I could say I'm speechless, but I'm sure I can come up with some words. Wild. Crazy. Insanity. And that deals with Ryan emailing you at midnight. Those same words go along with the following ones as far as my thoughts on the video goes: Funny. I liked parts. The screeching got to be a bit much. Wow.