Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Life as a Twentysomething AMHFBM

   My description, the "about me" over to the right there at the top (according to the current layout at least?) describes this "autistic Mormon hipster furry brony manchild," taken of course from this post in the Ghost Sequence. Kind of audience-alienating, that. Certainly tells you what you're getting yourself into. But just as applicable as ever.

   Well, the manchild part grows less true, I'd hope; it was (apparently) extinguished for good Thanksgiving of 2013, (the sting of which experience there is dulling so maybe I should tell you about it sometime? Though I don't think I'll ever not flinch when the topic of Christmas lights at Temple Square is brought up, at least not within the foreseeable future (which, what the heck is a foreseeable future anyway, seems kind of a contradiction in terms to me.))

   I still say "apparently," extinguished for good, because, great job jerk, one of the few posts that you actually got posted up last year describes you losing your cool a tiny bit, so we're reminded that you're still capable of frustration even after a powerful enough negative experience to ensure some mellowing. That post was posted a year ago today, actually, plus a couple of days (or minus, if you're counting about the date of "today" instead about the date of "a year ago.") Either way, frustration or no, loss of cool or no, it's been years since I've actually, you know, physically assaulted anyone. Yay?

   As for the others from the about me, how applicable they are especially to this blog: when I talk about autism I get into it, the neurology and everything; "hipster" could mean anything, but for me it just means I listen to a lot of really obscure U2 and love eating fancy, so I don't tend to delve into it that much; I've noticed that I sure the heck seem to define the brony and furry terms I drop when we get to those, generally tending to go out of my way to explain the furspeech and MLP references when only half as often bothering to explain any insider Mormon culture when I reference that. This trend probably reveals a lot about the expected audience for these things... For the record: I've actually been to Mormon conventions...

   So speaking of not bothering to explain what the heck Mormons are talking about, and finally coming to the head that I'd posted on this subject for in the first place-- I'm not sure what my grade's even going to be, but I did make a vague promise in The Phantom Progress Check to get that paper I did for my Pearl of Great Price class up, so it links from that post now if you want to see it. Which... I'd been about to say how you probably don't, but I don't know, maybe you do, and apologizing for myself and going on about how you don't have to read anything here if you don't want to is exactly the kind of thing that the Ghost Sequence had too much of. So.

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