Friday, September 7, 2012

Deshi! Deshi! Beshara! Beshara!

   After the RNC, I was kind of wondering what the DNC would counter with. Graphic-design-wise, I mean. (Well, especially that. Maybe some other stuff. No Clint this time, of course. Um...) Anyway, the answer, of course, is a lot of blue. Even the red of the flag graphic in the background seemed kind of blue. Still, it wasn't bad. I'm not sure what that crowd was chanting, though... It couldn't have been "four more years," could it have? Meh, I prefer the Bane chant.

    I'm at a party, reading the Sunday funnies in the newspaper. Forest Whitaker walks up and begins reading them beside me. "H-e-e-e-y Forest Whitaker!" I say. We fist-bump, and do one of those fist-bump off-the-fly things. I recognize him; I'm cool. We chat a little, but mostly read the funnies. He knows I'm cool, but he asks the others at the table if they're also cool. They all say yes. He asks me. I don't answer, because I thought he already knew I'm cool? When I don't answer, he declares me uncool, and leaves the table. Well, dang.

   I'm reading a chart of James Bond facts. His IQ has been estimated to be anywhere from, like, 79 to, like, 143. Something like that. Alright. A new, definitive IQ is offered, which is exactly one point higher than my own, which makes me jealous. Only one IQ point away from being James Bond.

   I'm at a different party, maybe. It's a screening of the original On Our Own. I notice some cinematography mistakes that I would have fixed. I'm not sure how much of the previous dreaming was a dream. That's my puzzle. How much was a dream? A school library, blue cordon tapes. The party is at the other side. There's a screen there, but the film is being shown on a small TV in a corner, like a small hospital bookshelf nook. Most of the party is just with Cheetos and chips and dip and other party stuff, and most people in fact are ignoring the film (it is still being watched by some, of course.) Was this before, or after? Is this the same party? What was a dream? And what was a dream within a dream?

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