Friday, September 28, 2012


   Last night marked the premier of ELEMENTARY on CBS. Oh great, I hope no one is saying. Another Sherlock Holmes adaptation. As I always say (or just now started saying,) "You can never get too much Sherlock Holmes." So long as it's, you know, good stuff. Not like those books that wouldn't sell any copies if they didn't have a well-known public domain character in them. Watered-down Holmes. But actual good stuff. So, is this one good? They managed to wrangle Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy friggin' Liu into it, so...

   The time: now, the place: New York City. In this take on the mythos, they tie the Holmes-on-opiates thing into the foil-y relationship between Watson and Holmes itself. Here, it's ex-surgeon Joan Watson (Liu), who's assigned by Holmes's father to keep an eye on Holmes and support him after rehab. And then... they just jump right into the mystery. Ever restless, Holmes decides to get back into the whole mystery-solving consulting thing, which he had previously done for Scotland Yard homicide. The relationship develops from there, of course, with plenty of deductions along the way, and it's nice to see how they balance that out.

   Also premiering this week: ABC's LAST RESORT, whose pilot was also intriguing, in a I-wonder-where-they're-going-to-go-with-the-rest-of-the-series sort of way (it's hard to follow up almost nuking DC,) and mebby some other stuff that doesn't look nearly as promising as those two, who knows. (Conspiracy stuff, perhaps? Well, it worked for Prison Break, so maybe it'll work here.)

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