Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Stunning Conclusion to the Hipsternerd Trilogy

   I had thought I had been done with that, but apparently not, because- a few minutes after that going up yesterday morning (which, you perhaps noticed, was itself 10 minutes after my usual 8:30 post time), I realized I'd forgotten to say exactly what my place in any of that was, and whether or not those categories did fit me. I just sort of, defined them, from my perspective, and sort of left it at that, without any of the broader context for which I'd even brought the subject up in the first place.


   It would be really nice to have an editor sometimes who catches all this for me- I'm super cheap and flat broke though, of course, so that leaves anything like that out of the question for now at least to that degree- I really don't plan either on making any money off of this blog (mostly because I'm afraid I'd be sued for breaking too many copyright laws-- since I do have one or two fanarts up in here, I'm afraid that making any kind of monetary income off of this would position me as an actual threat to anyone's right to make money off of their own characters (stealing a bit of the revenue that's rightfully their own) and thus qualify me for a lawsuit... I've been meaning to get better on this, write a post on it, go back through all my posts ferreting out any copyrighted material and then explaining my rationale for "fair use" of the same- and I've also wanted to get on making it more definitely clear that I am back and maybe begin taking things in a different direction to prove it- and I've also wanted to get on this idea I've got for the blank spaces in the record where I didn't manage to get any posts up-- but I've kind of got this "Nerdhipster" follow-up first, up my follow up of my follow up, and...)

   No! This is just like getting sidetracked by the "will they or won't they"-style Swat Kats Revival followup of two years ago. This is just me, scurrying around trying to piece together some fragments of a collapsing, well, me- rectifying any feet in mouths or any mistaken definite assertions, which aren't bad things in themselves but I don't get anywhere beyond that for weeks and weeks! If there's one thing I learned on my mission, though, it's that I'm the king of putting my foot in my mouth. And then kicking, hard. I can't save them all. I don't want to save them all. I like letting myself be frail and human and make mistakes- and only the dire ones really need to be corrected, and not even that. Starfish don't even have central nervous systems; they could dry up on the beach and die and wouldn't mind it one bit.

   Anyway, though- Hipsternerd, talking about nerds and hipsters and definitions and my own personal relation to any of that- uh, yeah sure why not. My personal relationship to that is kind of tangential, a coincidental realization of affinity rather than a quest to achieve such. Which probably isn't anything special, but I could go on for pages how that's specifically true of anything that I use to "define" myself, and how I try not to do that at all. So we'll move on.

   The evidence --and by evidence I mean my own personal definitions of these subcultures-- the evidence seems to point towards the idea that it's impossible to be a "nerd" and not be somewhat of a hipster. I'm not sure how true it is; could use a bit more research, but the definitions I provided do seem to click together nicely. With said nerd as being defined as nerd instead of just "mainstream fan" of anything, yes, of course that would also be a, hipster. And I'm growing more and more dissatisfied with that word, but it stands for now-- with the idea firmly in mind that, yes, a nerd can be and is a hipster of sorts.

   As for my usage of the other word- "nerd" is such a loose term, with such an amorphous relationship to "geek" or anything like that, so I'm kind of dissatisfied with that too. Differences between the two terms, and which aspects are used to define what, seem to be (in what little research I've done on the subject) regional, but I have heard one or two solid definitions on the exact specific nuances between the usage of the twin terms. Expect me to return to the subject, but of course not anytime soon- or if soon, at least not as a part of Hipsternerd. Because, seriously, I think I'm done with the word(s).

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