Saturday, December 13, 2014

Alright, So-- The Mission?

   I realize that I haven't really talked about my mission all that much. Its aftereffects, yes, and its side-effects, and the effects that it's had on my blogging of course, but I haven't really given much in explanation of the mission itself and the effect it's had on, me. Which is, kind of important. Kind of, the most important. I know I'm doing the Backlog Hundred, which is going to talk about 100 specific topics from my mission in great detail, but as for anything specifically about, "hey you know it was a great experience," or anything like that, so far I've been... silent.

   Time for that to change.

   It's too close right now to my 8:30 post-up time to get into, like, paragraphs-long detail, here, so I figure it could be a series. Starting with, the stuff that I have to do the least amount of work on but which still gives you the greatest benefits from it-- links to posts that have already been written on the subject.

   So here for you are a series of posts from one of my mother's blogs, Treading Water (and that's, one of the several blogs that my mother has, not, the blog from one of my several mothers.) Check it out.

  1. Operation "Surprise Dad" was a success and Eric's trip to Salt Lake
  2. more on our visit to the Family & Church History Headquarters Mission
  3. Eric is going to be a family history missionary!
  4. news of and from Eric
  5. Ryan is home for Christmas and more news from Eric
   Starting out with, my tour of the mission, then more word from that, then the official mission call/acceptation to the mission, stuff from my first day, and finally a couple of emails from the field. There's more where that came from, but I think that's a decent selection for now.

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