Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hey! Important Things!

   If things have seemed kind of weird lately, as though posts were popping up then disappearing and getting rescheduled all around everywhere, let me put your mind at ease: it's because all those things have been happening. Some of it was accidental and some of it was quite deliberate: in preparation to put up the 14 posts aside from the 100 (and, hey, it's tough picking out which 14 I should use, there's a wealth of ideas back here), as I as sorting everything out, I noticed that there were a few posts that had been meant to go up, such as a time-sensitive Thespis strip I'd just blow over and then in working out my fourteen posts atop my hundred-- well, I suppose I should just tell you my plans on the hundred posts; I've kept you in the dark on that for too long.

   Back on my mission, August of 2013, knowing that the daily posts would "give out" some time in September but not exactly sure what date-- I did damage assessment through email relays to those back at home, to see how many posts I would need to get up. Thank you Cailin.

Displaying blogthing.png   From just the single screenshot there, I could see how many posts already scheduled-- subtracting the ones going up after my return and seeing how many were already posted by the date the screenshot was taken, (August 17th,) I managed to calculate from the dates that I would need to post up 100 additional posts precisely. With a closer look at it back at home that turns out not to have been the case (I'm not sure exactly how I went wrong- can you figure it out?) but that was a round number enough to get my wheels turning.

   Once those fourteen are polished and posted up and I'll have only 100 back there to get done for real this time, every so often you'll see me update on that, like I've been doing linking back to posts I scheduled retroactively- those 100 slots will be gloriously filled up with a very special series of posts.

   The top 100 things I learned on my mission.

   Learned, or realized, or whatever. The terminology is imprecise but the gist of it is there. Theorized, experienced... learned, is good. There are a couple sensitive personal items as well which I'm not sure I want to post up publicly (at least not on an ostensibly family friendly blog as this) so it won't necessarily be the "top" 100 things either, but, as above so below, it's accurate enough for my purposes. I learned more than 100 things (you learn at least one new thing every day, and I was out some 713 of those) so I have wiggle room to cherry pick some of my favorites.

   The best part of this? If I learned something, then maybe you will too- and if just one of those (life?) lessons goes on to improve quality of life, all the better. I figure my readership deserves to have their life improved, get something in this for them. Something greater than just the passing amusement of watching some kid ramble to himself every day about whatever is stuck in his fancy or tickles his craw.

   Getting 100 posts up is not easy. It is not for my own personal amusement. I've brought this thing into the world already, and I may as well complete it, but on top of that-- hey, this is for you.

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