Friday, December 5, 2014

Thespis Strip Dated Sunday, December 5, 2010

Click to embiggen.
Collin: Protagoras's dilemma is totally the judiciary equivilent [sic] of the "this sentence is a lie" paradox.
But maybe I'm being a little harsh to that paradox.
It is, after all, not really a paradox.
Marvin: What?
Of course it is!
Collin: Ah, but how can it be, when it's true?
Marvin: That's exactly what makes it a paradox!
Collin: But since it's true, it cancels out its own paradoxical nature.
Marvin: So the paradox of it itself is a paradox.
Collin: Duh. What are you, retarded?
Marvin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You of all people should know not to use that word in  a context like that, formerly having a low I.Q. yourself...
...only gaining hyperintellegence [sic] as it fit the story arc.
Collin: So should that not give me all the more excuse to be able to say it?
Marvin: no.
Collin: Why not?
Marvin: Because you're fictional.
Collin: Ah, I knew there was something.

   Once again I misspell things. Sorry about that; this was back before I composed everything without spellcheck. The little "sic"s kind of interrupt the flow of the transcript reading, and I always thought them to be kind of pretentious in how they exist to call attention to themselves like that and feel smugly superior doing so, pointing out people's mistakes-- but what else are we going to do?

   Also, pejorative use of the word "retarded!"

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