Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Michael Weatherly, the ad said. He'll Get You Off. Bull. Premiers tonight, CBS 9/8 Central. With the face of Dr Jason Bull looking back out at me. The ad clearly expected me to recognize the actor's name; all I knew of him at first glance was, some Michael that wasn't Shanks. Tony DiNozzo isn't that recognizable with the thick-rimmed specs on, I guess.

He'll Get You Off. Bull. Oh, man, that seemed great. Highly irreverent, Michael-Weatherly-starring. Oh, Michael Weatherly. You can get me off any day of the week, but I guess Tuesdays at 9/8 Central work for me. I looked into it more, grew even more intrigued, wished for cable TV or something upon which to catch the premiere.

There's this CBS All Access thing, free for one week... but after that week, I'd just feel guilty not signing up for it, it's like taking the free samples of sushi from Broulim's, and, dude my budget has no room for that, 'member? I'd totally go along with it too; CBS is, just, the greatest. And they've got a great lineup this fall. Seriously even Kevin Can Wait looks worth watching, which is proof that that network is run by literal wizards.*

 I realized that there's a TV in the lounge of the apartment complex neighboring which is totally available for anyone to use. 

The episode is available on CBS.com right now, but, you know. Television.

The TV in the lounge, last time I tried working its cable, refused to divulge its televised nectar. Somehow I got the wizardbox to commence its output of electronic signals, this time, and I turned on the TV straight to...

Santino Fontana signing "She Likes Basketball" from Promises, Promises, and backed up by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

It was the 2014 Pioneer Day concert, televised on BYUTV. Which is totally nuts, because I'd been signing earlier just today the Happy Medley from the end of that...

The recording is from the Friday performance, and I was there at the Saturday, much like the James Taylor concert recording. It ended at 8:00, which was right when Bull started, so I could just flip to CBS when it was over.

Michael Weatherly is off of NCIS now, apparently. The new guy on the team is great, as far as I can tell. From the couple scenes I saw of him. Flipping back and forth from the Pioneer Day concert.

What Bull is, anyway, is a courtroom drama executive produced by Dr Phil of all people and Steven Spielberg of all people, among other folks too I guess, about a psychoanalyst who uses high-tech analytical methods to try to predict and influence the jury to win the cases his team is hired to consult on. Think, Runaway Jury meets, I don't know, Lie to Me springs to mind. It's just been one episode, so we'll see what kind of, dynamics and stuff, evolve, but so far it looks... I was going to say "fun," but it's not nearly as irreverent as the name, tagline, and Michael Weatherly would lead you to believe... Like, it's seriously not a comedy...

NCIS New Orleans's season premiere afterwards, "SCOTT BACULA" I shouted at the screen over and over for several minutes, as I realized who the (surprisingly aged) main character was.** Seems like a pretty plot-heavy show; I had no idea what was going on.

*I'm not really a fan of either sitcoms or Kevin James on a good day... I mean, he was good in Hitch, obviously, and the Paul Blart films are worth watching so long as nobody catches you watching them... and I guess my problems with Zookeeper have nothing to do with the actor of the titular character... but, sitcoms, anyway. I do not do sitcoms.

**Much as, before Bull started, I yelled out at CBS asking how it was so good, 'cause, dang, I'm not saying that all the best shows are on CBS, 'cause, like, the other networks have one show each that is also worth watching, but...

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