Sunday, September 25, 2016

Funds Done. Fun.

There's some kind of "homework" or something due, coming up... Such a strange native custom... sacrificing deadlines to the god of Knowledge...

This week, last week (it being Sunday,) confusing stuff, after scrounging up the last leg of money to pay for tuition... Turns out I'd received some kind of boon, looking at it it was actually 9 days ago, some kind of in-school scholarship/grant, something to do with being a sophomore... I guess so; this is my third semester here, with the expected track rate of two semesters a year, placing me at the beginning of sophomore year...

I'd been going to refrain from specifying the exact amount of money in the grant, but I've already been specific about all of my liquid assets in regards to paying tuition, so. $490, there, so I only had to plug in that last $70, which come to think of it is the exact amount of cash I had deposited in my account via ATM earlier that day...

Textbooks were bought. School supplies (as for printmaking, all the required materials) became affordable. Some third thing, to round this list off.

Also there was a $10 charge there that it said I owed to the library. Which I refrained from paying. It turned out to be their bad, and so I didn't have to pay it. ($10 per day is the late fee for turning in cameras late, and I'd turned it in on time, but I guess that didn't get registered. It was rectified, anyway, like I said.)

So I've got like $500 sitting here unexpectedly, and not really much motivation to spend it. I do need to catch up on paying the last few months' worths of tithing...

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