Sunday, September 18, 2016

Random Posts, and Inking Plates

I'm trying (have been trying for years) to get some kind of "random post" link on this blog, but that doesn't seem to be a standard Blogger widget... I can offer random "remember this?" moments, and host a featured post, but so far can't make that some totally random thing over, just one I've selected. So that's not much good.

It's the second week of school now. Nothing new to report. Old stuff, though, well...

I made a huge plate in printmaking (we're focusing on intaglio, so experimenting with nice burrs.) I don't know what my burrage looks like yet; I've yet to even ink the plate much less press it. It's going to be an absolute beast to ink, I can tell you that... Everyone else's plates are a few inches by a few inches; mine's, 9''x15'' I think, IIRC...

1 comment:

  1. I fail to post daily blogs no idea how you do it. Hey my hair is in the picture!
