Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Couple Christmas Gifts in Action

Played Seafall till actually 1:00 a.m. last night- I did win, ish, kind of tied really but since I had the lowest ranking title it means that I came out on top above Ryan? But Ryan maybe had an extra bonus point he'd been failing to count, so maybe he should have won instead? That's all a maybe, so I took the winner's bonuses, anyway, and really last night's and the night's before that were the only two times I've won... I'm in dead last whole-campaign-wise but the timing of the wins is kind of misleading, how I could, blog about winning, the two times I blog about going through the Seafall campaign. And! We're going to bed earlier tonight; just thought I'd, say. Super tired right now! We're all getting up bright and early tomorrow for another day chock-full of more board gaming!

Still figure I should squeeze in some actual material here, so I thought I'd take 15 minutes out of my nightly insomnia to snap a few quick pictures of this small bust I made (out of Das air-hardening modeling material, which is pretty neat stuff) of everyone's favorite raccoon-with-the-phenotype-of-a-skunk,-or-however-you'd-describe-that, Pretzels! (whose glasses I made just today using half a toothpick and my Christmas 3Doodler 3D Printing Pen (I'm, still getting the hang of it; I'm much more used to traditional sculpting, but am intrigued by the possibilities of its potential for making armatures.)) (I'm not really an insomniac, but I thought that that'd be funny. Wasn't that funny?)...

Same lighting condition, same basic angle and focus and zoom and all, but the first using my super old beat-up Coolpix and the second with my new (refurbished) DSLR. Unretouched (though maybe I could have cropped them,) here they are:

 It probably would have been fairer to the point-and-shoot had I backed up a ways so that the focus could be better, but there's Seafall on that table behind, and major spoilers for later on in the campaign (seriously it is such a great game; no clue why people were so underwhelmed by it when it first came out- they're all crazy?) and anyway you can see clearly the difference in white balance and everything, at least. And this was a quick experiment... Gotta go to bed now... games to play and a dentist appointment to catch, in the morning...

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