Saturday, December 17, 2016

Home for Christmas (This Blog Post is Not About Games)

Maybe I've been thinking about space a lot lately. Like how the earth would be way too wobbly, without the moon there to stabilize it. Like how the dark side of the moon isn't really dark, and when it's a full moon on earth it's a new moon on the far side, and vice versa, and vice versa. Like how the sun is a star, just floating up there like it's no big deal. Like how most of everything is a vacuum, but we need oxygen to burn. In short, space is terrifying. If we were tidally locked, would the world's mythologies be replete with heroes who voyaged to the edge of the land where the light shines, and discover stars, and come back struggling to describe what they saw in the dark skies beyond the edge?

Maybe I've been in a car all day, or maybe it's not all day because the ride started later than we expected because the cold froze the engine, so I had time to go around getting stuff done at the last minute, or maybe I got nothing done in that time that I couldn't have done earlier or anything I did do at all (and by that I mean, maybe there was that which was lost which is still not found, but at least we learned where it's not, so I guess it wasn't totally pointless.) Maybe I napped a lot in the car. Maybe all those car naps wore me out? But I'm pretty tired right now either way. It's an hour earlier than it would be, here, which means that I'm an hour later than the current time zone, body-clock-wise.

So maybe I have something to point out, while I still have you.

It was a week ago today that the Killers released their new album, a compilation of every Christmas song they've done so far. Every year, the Killers come out with a new Christmas song as a single, and all proceeds from sales of that go to charity. It's so rad, and it's one of the reasons that I was too busy looking forward to December back in November that I forgot my own birthday.)

This year, anyway, the song that debuted on their new album- I'll Be Home for Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. What? No link? OK. I'll add it for you. You're welcome.
