Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Fireplace Blues II: I Aqwirch to Mt Kingle


k. sl kr aw\\


ca t fj d rbw bXKaxspace let, so I',m just leaving the mistakes in?

It seems to have switched back to qwerty from azerty (and the shift key i keep finding the cobtrol ket instead, si i mean look at this, swirchinf ro iralics when meaning to type capital I, okat rhere;s the shift key, but control plus i italixes.

heck rhis, um aqwirchinf to mt kingle.

Aleifht, so :/ I'm not really sure how much left there is to say. Should I talk about how my laptop became a fireplace in the first place, or should I just move on? Ryan and I, at the behest of Hannah, created new hangers for the stockings. And they just looked so good we figured that we might as well have a new fireplace I guess, t' hang them up at? Ryan painted the hangers; I designed the plaque.

The fireplace itself was me and Hannah. Old Amazon shipping boxes-- by old I mean, those gifts have already been wrapped, so we can do whatever with the cardboard boxes left over, take them together and wrap Dollar Tree black tablecloth around them; skin them, stretch out their hides and cure them in the sun, spray paint them black, pin them to the wall. I donated my laptop to the cause (my idea to do the real fake fire like that in the first place), and it got caged in there, and here we are.

I'm kind of tired right now, but I think this system's really working (and by "the system" I mean, typing this using the Kindle. I'm writing this from bed right now!)

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