Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Last Day of Classes, Outlet Award Ceremony

2:00 tomorrow and the processbook is due; 10:00 Friday and the panoply of religion class stuff (ranging from finals to extra credit) is all due.

Outlet award ceremony today! It was pretty chill; there were a lot of extra Outlets ordered (they're for free, since they'd be too expensive if they were to be sold (logical!)) so afterward I helped bring down one of the extra boxes, down to the English department. There were also extra refreshments, but instead of taking them for myself when I took them, I took them down to the students forming a new-release-of-the-latest-iPhone line outside of the testing center, handing out cookies to whichever testing students waiting wanted them. And apparently I wasn't the only one with the idea, because there was a familiar face (nobody you'd know though) coming through handing cookies to the queued students coming the other way, Chips Ahoy these ones.

I don't have any finals in the testing center of course. My finals could barely be described as that, as they are; just, regular assignments, that happen to come last, kind of deal.

So I'm done with classes now. Still need to turn stuff in, but yeah.

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