Sunday, December 11, 2016

Finals Week Overview, Fall '16 Edition

Should be getting to bed, planning on waking up early. Tomorrow things due: all the prints, and the process book for the Outlet apparently, or at least that's what it says on iLearn though I thought that it was supposed to be due on Wednesday...? That's probz a mistake then. (Meant to type "probably," but hit the z and space accidentally and the spell check's accepting it; how embarrassing...)

There's a two-page paper due on Tuesday for readings. Tuesday also features the Outlet awards ceremony for those who helped create it and everyone who got their work featured. And one final religion class.

Art/chem has already been covered, and there's no final for the seminar class, which means that after the last religion class right after the Outlet awards ceremony on Tuesday, and maybe the Outlet process book's due date being moved to Wednesday, I'm done with the semester. Which of course hardly seems believable. Snuck up on me like Christmas seems to do every year... and, oh, yeah, Christmas is two weeks from now, almost forgot...

Religion class is the only class I really have "finals" in. They're due on Friday, and I'm taking all the extra credit assignments I can take in that class. They're just online things, so the last thing that I really need to be on-campus for is that last class there, for that, the one after the Outlet thing. Which I'm pretty sure is going to be a real class, unlike any of my others, which are just, show up, turn in some stuff, clean up and/or party. The graphic design computer lab classroom is supposed to be open though Bro Dorman won't be there, which lends credence to my idea that the Tuesday due date for the Outlet thing is wrong.

So all told, um yeah.

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