Friday, December 30, 2016

Movies of the Year

@DanTweetsMovies's premiere event this afternoon, the I Am Not a Serial Killer screening tweet livestream, happening at the same time that Andrew and Heather were off at Moana anyway so that no SeaFall playing was interrupted, has got me thinking about awesome movies again. (I'm playing right now, blogging during lulls, and never mind Andrew just thrashed the everbugging motherlove out of us.) 2016 has somehow been memetically terrible?, but for a cinephile such as I it was a bit of a dream. There are still a small handful of movies that came out this year which I have yet to catch, but out of the movies I wanted to see, for the most part they have been seen by me. And I loved the crap out of even the objectively terrible ones.

Maybe that doesn't make me the greatest film critic... but holy crap, you guize, new consideration: maybe it does.

So, I don't know, I was kind of going to wait a couple of weeks until I've seen La La Land, Sing, Fences and Trolls at Paramount 5 (still in Fallon, and it looks like the Monday ride isn't panning out) but for now, I guess I know what the greatest movies of the year were?

Zootopia turned me into a cinephile on a higher level. My willingness to go see that multiple times is one of the reasons I went to go see so many of the other films I went to go see, in the first place. So, yeah. I guess I just wanted to bring that up again.

Adored the crap out of Storks. KFP3 blew my mind.

Spider-Man 2 remains one of the greatest, most well-crafted films of all time. I know it didn't come out this year, but man is it a good movie. And apparently co-written by Michael Chabon.