Wednesday, October 25, 2017


I played like 5 games of League in a row today. Pretty short ones, Twisted Treeline all, my team getting our cookies handed to us each time (Twisted Treeline is 3v3 instead of 5v5, with only two lanes instead of three.) 

I told you about how I wanted Blitzcrank, and then I told you about how I purchased him, but I never told you how my first game with him in so long, after I purchased him, was terrible and I was terrible and I didn't pick him from that point on, until today.

I was experimenting with different champions today, trying them out, some which I own some which I do not, figuring oh well if I'm bad at this guy surely my team will have enough skill to carry us. Which was ehhh, like I'm pretty sure that at least twice at least one of my teammates was a bot and not a well-programmed one at that, but anyway. Those five games, it was pretty sad and pretty pathetic, but in the end my persistence was all worth it. The last champ I decided to play was one I owned; I main Rumble but I've been playing Garen often enough lately that he's my page's default background image, and I've been doing well as Bard but Twisted Treeline isn't much a place for support characters I don't think?

So I dusted off Blitzcrank.

And we destroyed the enemy team.

I got an S today. Sweet.

Recently played list is listed most to least recent, with the last 20 games shown; that's the win at the top.

After it happened I ran around outside for a bit excitedly, still barefoot, waving my arms around like a David Lewandowski animation and whispering "esss!" over and over again. It was around 6:30, with comic book workshop and art night both starting at 7:00. 

So that wasn't the only thing that happened today.

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