Thursday, January 28, 2016

Clickbait Title! (Plus Zootopia Watch)

   I couldn't find my bookbag this morning-- turns out that "ukulele" I saw, wasn't-- and was almost late for class. Maybe I would have been late, but Art 202 (which is Art History Renaissance-Present) was canceled this morning. I took a photo of my bookbag lying there, but it's pretty boring, so I'm not going to show it. Just know that the strap looked like a neck, so the sack looked like a ukulele bag.

   Art 101 (which is, Art 101) starts not that long after Art 202 ends, in the same room, so usually I just stick around. I'd grabbed a book to read and everything, to read during the wait between classes, which is the reason I'd wanted that bookbag in the first place, is to have somewhere to put that... but I just grabbed it, in the end. And it was unneeded.

   And it looks like Art 101 started early this morning, so I really was late for that? But not by that much, and that's the class without roll anyway and the professor expects you to show up because it's your tuition you're paying, so might as well use it...

   So that was alright.

   And then in Intro to Graphic Design this afternoon, I didn't bring my assignment we were working on basically the whole class, so I could finally read that book I'd brought... With no classes on Fridays, it's not like I needed that particular chunk of a few hours, to advance my project, especially when the same amount of time outside of class would still have been spent on reading...

   Yes, today was pretty boring.

   Yesterday, yesterday was not boring. I didn't tell you about it, either, so I can do that now. I gave my plasma, in the left arm again finally for the first time since the first time, for one. I bought a super long sandwich, to fuel up for blood donation, and was rescued from walking by a roommate who happened to be driving by. I didn't have to walk to Wal-Mart (or, actually, I'd been going to walk to donate my plasma first, but instead of being the first thing since class ending at 9:15 besides sandwich, that turned out to have been the last thing I did before class at 3:15 besides homework.)

I also stumbled across what appears to be GamePulse's original location, judging by the mural on the side. The logo's still the same.
   The new Rexburg Super Wal-Mart (or Wal-Mart Supercenter, whichever) opened yesterday, and I had to go see it on its first day. It's about twice the distance away from the (now old) Wal-Mart, and with half the sidewalks snowed over, and my lack of the exact address if it even was down the same road like I thought (which it is,) I'm glad I got that ride, anyway. They've got a shuttle bus service for free, with wifi and everything, that drives around and can drop you off there, but, I don't know. Broulim's is fine; I don't mind walking there. Plus they've got free samples of sushi.

   The real reason I wanted to check Wal-Mart out is to check their book aisle for any better selection of Zootopia tie-in books than Broulim's (which, although lacking in that regard, to be fair has some rarer selections on Frozen books.) There was this Fantastic Mr Fox coloring book I saw at Winco when that movie first came out, which I've never since seen to my Patrick Henry-level regret... so whenever I see something like this I must pounce on it. But so far, my quest has been fruitless. The new Supercenter is huge... perhaps there will be some luck there?

   But it turns out that the book aisle at this new Supercenter is... paltry. I'd not even call it an aisle. Scarcely a shelf. Though there were some super rad, Star Wars The Force Awakens, sticker books? There were additional activity books in the stationary aisle, the friendly employee pointed out, but no dice there either. (I did find a sketchpad there, which was useful for Comic Book Workshop that evening (I usually work looseleaf but, you know;) I bought, also, an MLP CCG booster, which contained a foil Gummy!)

   WDAS do seem to be coming out with new official clips of the film... it was a pleasant surprise this morning to discover that a new video had been released the day before, and I'd been going to post that video up here but surprise dang surprise, they released another one today. I'm not sure if the two-days-in-a-row thing is a fluke, or how long they'll keep this up, but... the movie, it's still a little more than a month away, but with this glut of everything coming out, it already feels like we've all seen the movie already.

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