Sunday, June 19, 2016


Formatting with justification on the latest A Real Thing worked well; I guess I'm now using only spacing to differentiate between paragraphs?

All our messianic figures are aliens. That's kind of weird. Isn't it? Are we really that uncomfortable with the idea of Christ being like us, of our own innate Christlikeness, that we have to place a filter or two between us and our supermen? Or is there something deeper that I'm not grasping? Or, is there something shallower? Superman, of course. Captain America only reflects Superman in terms of patriotism and idealism- to match Supe's powers and messianic symbolism, the Vision is the closest Marvel's got. An android, created by the villain Ultron. That's the guy who represents salvation, who gets the line "I am." Rewatching Age of Ultron yesterday, it's like, we create the things we fear, and Ultron created the Vision. To replace him. To help him... end. We're mad scientists, Stark says, in defense of consummating Vision's creation. We're monsters. He says that to Banner/Hulk, a man who is half mad scientist, half the monster product of his own creation...!

Hulk is the best Avenger.

Age of Ultron is the best Avengers film. As a film, I don't know, I think so there too, though many disagree (these people are what scientists would call "wrong.) But as a film. As a film, it's one of the greatest. Each scene occupies such a complex niche, but it all flows so smoothly you don't even realize unless you start analyzing it. And the dialogue is so tight, during the first fifteen minutes especially (At long last is lasting a little long; I'm going to poke it with something; please be a secret door please be a secret door yay)... when Ultron tries to make out like meteors are pure, boom game over start again, that always seemed kind of shoehorned in, to me, spite of all his talk of extinction it's like, an overjustification of having the climax be a flying city. Ultron, we already know you're insane. Quit rambling about dang space rocks...

That was a weird tangent. I've gone on weirder, of course, but... As long as I'm talking about Hulk, man he's gonna be in Thor: Ragnarok, but we have to wait till after the Spider-Man movie till that comes out. I'm not sure which I'm excited more for. On one hand: Spider-Man. On the other hand: Hulk. On the first hand again: Spider-Man. On the second hand again: Loki! But, Spider-Man? But but, Loki and Hulk, together again?

I guess I'm excited in different ways. I do not want any spoilers any any any for Homecoming, so much so that I'm avoiding the next couple MCU films just in case they spoil anything. (Or at least, asking, first, to see if maybe instead, they set things up.) Thor: Ragnarok, it being what it is, I'm all up on those spoilers. I've even got a few theories as to what's going to happen. (Hulk finally gets to do the "sniff out the real Loki" gag excised from Avengers 1, of course; Quicksilver, having fallen in combat, turns up in Valhalla, and so Banner finally forgives himself for being directly responsible for that death? Because he totally was; him Hulk-flinging Ultron away from getting his head melted in allows Ultron to commandeer that Quinjet, which mows Quicksilver down... I suppose Ultron does have that thing where he, you know, has got more than one body, so it could have been any of the robots... but still.)

So. It's Juneteenth today, and you know what that means... New (final?) installment of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared!†

Oh. This answers everything.

And on Father's Day no less!

(Roy is, Yellow Guy's dad. And methinks the mastermind?)

19th of June also means liberation of slaves, of course. I've been thinking about it a bit. Civil rights. There's been (would have said, there is, but honestly can't remember the last time I heard it, but maybe it still goes on, so...) rhetoric that "gay rights" has only been recently connected as a civil rights issue; maybe the marriage-and-family definition stuff is that way (and maybe that's what was meant; certainly only recently gaining acceptance, as I've will explain* elsewhere) but on a whole of course that's not true.

There's nothing to fight against anymore. Standing up for traditional- not values, but, definitions, cultural structures and orders- that failed, was broken by the breaking waves. It's no longer our duty to ensure society stays glued together; it's now our duty not to be jerks. We're so afraid right now, of losing our religious rights**, I think most Christians have kind of forgotten the whole bit about turning the other cheek and going twain with a Roman, rendering both coat and cloak.

The whole fear is... well, not total bushwa, but... there's way too much justification, of a lot of vile deeds, done in the name of that fear. In the name of it, so, nominally, ostensibly. Ostensibly those are the reasons. There's nothing new under the sun... people kneejerk and assign reasons ex post facto... just basic psychology...

*meaning, I've written about it, but it's jumbled up somewhere in the biomass of, posts I've been meaning to backlog.
**losing religious rights was the nominal fear against changing the laws in the first place as well, of course, justifying stuff back then, too. I guess I just thought that we'd learn to let it go once the scales of status quo finished wobbling.
†Found some new creepy YouTubage, speaking of. Too Many Cooks by Adult Swim (live action though); it's the themesong of a sitcom with many many many characters, goes on and on and on and on and gets downright nightmarish in parts. There is some violence in, of course. And some handbra. And it's really creepy and mindnumbingly long. Also, super catchy. And I'm sorry I'm linking too it. But no, I'm really not.

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