Saturday, June 18, 2016

Just read a bunch of (read: two or three) homophobic tweets about, you know, what happened last week. My soul really hurts right now. Don't feel like writing much.

The smart of us throw our hands up in the air and ask why we can't all love each other and get along. But only the wise of us actually attempt to do anything about it.

(I'm smart but lack much wisdom. This is what I do. And this is what I do about it.)

Really feel like I'm making headway with getting writing done. I've almost actually got a plot idea for Finn Michael Moone book 2. Tell you about that tomorrow on A Real Thing, which I haven't been writing at lately but am so excited for that I actually will this week. I say I'm "writing" a lot; I'm (very very very very) much an architect, so as of right now it still just means planning. My favorite book in the trilogy so far is each of them.

Tomorrow's writing at A Real Thing also means that I'll be able to play with formatting over there, so I feel a bit more comfortable with marking paragraphing through just line spacing (for now) over here.

Maybe my soul will feel better in the morning. Right now I'm going to bed. g'night.

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