Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Looong Weekend Ahead

Holy crap, I just realized that I don't have class again until Wednesday. That's, almost a full week from now. I only had the one class this morning...

Alright, alright. I DO have one hour of drawing class tomorrow. Right across the street from where I live. Right across the street from where I am right now. Yep, yep, I just checked, and from where I'm at on the sofa in the lounge, I can see that the door to the classroom is open right now for some reason. Just, left open.

Okay, here's how it goes, working backwards from next Wednesday:

This morning I had typography class. I woke up 7:55 for an 8:00 am class, threw on jeans and a white button-up short-sleeve over my pjs, slipped on shoes without socks on (all my socks were dirty anyway) and headed out the door, making it on time. That was my only class today.

I had time during that class to get back home to grab my thumb drive, and time after that as well to slip into the men's room and remove my pajamas from underneath my overwear.

Near the end of the class, anyway, there was an announcement, in the form of good-news bad-news. The revelations held in this order: Brother Franson's wife is getting surgery, a minor operation... but still major enough to warrant him not holding class next Tuesday. No typography class Tuesday, no class at all Tuesday.

No class Monday, Independence Day. Obviously. (I wonder how they celebrate that over here...)

No class over the weekend.

No Art 201 tomorrow morning, either. Can't recall why. Still Art 108 for an hour, but it's just an on-campus meet-up for an online class. Which meetup location, as I mentioned, I a, lookinh sy noe.

I can touch-type, I swear. Just, harder to do when you're craning your neck from your reclined location to peer out of the window across the street.

Also, there was no Religion 200 class yesterday. There was homework due- I managed to get one assignment done, but... apparently, as well, that class doesn't accept late assignments, so that thing last week where I missed turning in three whole assignments... I'm so hosed in that class...

Anyway, how things. I, uh, I'm just leaving the post intended as the day before yesterday's post up as yesterday's post (stupid clock on the computer caused me to be a minute late; I've since synced it from the internet and the time is now reset to accuracy.) And the day before that, I'm leaving before that. Figured it was easier just to fill something in for the day before rather than write some post yesterday to fill in the gap; as for what that gap will be filled with, hmm...

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