Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Still Not Caught Up

   I go to bed terrified by the concept of infinity; I wake up every morning excited by it. And, for the second day in a row, all I have the time and inclination for is a report at how much I'm being swallowed up by the continuously onrushing avalanche of my homework schedule.

   Though in the meeting for drawing class today, it turns out that, basically, everyone else feels that way too, how having Monday thrown off by Memorial Day somehow made everything worse, and caused us all to fall a day behind instead of catch a day ahead. I don't think anyone in class was prepared for it today; we all basically just started in class what we should have already completed.

   Drawing class homework, I got it finished and scanned and turned in on time, which I wasn't expecting to have been able to do, honestly... The scanned assignment from last week was still on the scanner's computer's desktop, so I figured I might as well grab that and show it off here. On top is the construction drawing of the meter maid cart toy, followed by a photograph for comparison, and for extra spicy cheese on those metaphorical nachos (???), on the bottom I overlaid the two so you can see how badly I messed up at some of it.

   There's one day left to vote for, the new desktop background for the new identity of my dropped laptop...

   My typography homework that would have been due Monday is due tomorrow, as I've said. Not at 11:59 PM like it would usually be, but 8:00 AM... I should probably get started on it...