Friday, April 29, 2016

Neurological Stuff: Not That Great for Pop Culture References

   June 7th. That's when Zootopia is coming out on DVD, Blu Ray, 3D Blu Ray, and Digital Download. Am I excited? Or do I have the sudden realization that it's just a movie?


   My Facebook posts never seem to attract the younger, hipper crowd that I'm always aiming for. I very well could be expecting too much of the kids... nobody friggin' understands any of my references... but, not even to contemporary popular culture? That was for you, kids! I'm hip and down with stuff! See!? See!? I'm making reference to that thing that some of you have potentially even heard of!! Well, it's, whatever, not like I care...

   My latest foray into, questioning the motivation behind social media after not receiving anything sort of close to an expected response, seriously why do we share is it to truly benefit and enrich others' lives naah nobody's being fooled by that it's Facebook, you're only in it to rub your own victories or whatever into other people's faces, but, my latest foray into that was, about, neurology I guess?? I mean, it's picking up steam now, but, yeesh, it's a pretty heady topic for a share. Rolling on past that like there's no pun there, it is the kind of thing I'm interested in.

   It's how much of myself I see in John Wayne Cleaver, or how deeply I was touched by the parents' struggle to come to terms with their son's schizophrenia in Calvin, how transcendent that book was (transcended of what, I cannot say... I guess it was just that transcendent.) The Speed of Dark, the cure from that is coming closer and closer in real life; the critics all remarked how alien Lou Arrendale was but of course he wasn't that, to me. Am I just that much better at connecting with non-neurotypicals in the fiction I read, do they speak to me that much more, even when they've got things I don't?

   I posted yesterday, a few hours ago, the day before yesterday a few hours ago when you take into account the fact that though this blog's timestamp coding is in Western time I'm typing this currently from Mountain which makes it past midnight here, one of the latest TedTalks, published just on Tuesday filmed just in February, Adam Grant's "The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers," in case you missed the post I guess. This was maybe another idea I'd had for what yesterday's post would have been- a link, as here, to TEDTalks's Mental Health playlist. (Ted, Talks's? TedTalks'? It's plural, but as part of a name, so that would be external possessive apostrophe with a post-positional possessive s, right? I think is what that's called, but I know that's definitely how that works, usually. It's kind of tricky, here; thank goodness we're not talking about qualities possessed by more than one TedTalks.) Watch the videos! They're mostly about depression, but there's a few about schizophrenia and one or two about addiction. There's only 10 of them, each about 15-20 minutes, typical TEDTalk length.

   This kind of stuff is great. I wouldn't call it bread and butter-- knife and fork, maybe, because, obvious reasons?

   And my Jungle Book post is getting a few people to go see the movie! That's great! It's like when I got all that Zootopia stuff from Walmart which people saw and which reminded them that they still needed to go see it.

   39 days... counting down the days, baby.

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