Thursday, April 14, 2016

Garbage Ship Will Do

   Missing the first post in more than a hundred days a few days ago, and being okay with that, has got me thinking... Well, this spring break, being at home, with family and things to do thereby, as well as, it being the week of 413 as well, (though that's declined not having made that mad Homestuck rush in time for the end (also because of the internet outage) and now being able to take it more leisurelyly,) not really having usual time for blogging, and just coming out with these little rabbit droppings to pad out the post-per-day format... I think I prefer quality of post, over reliability.

   Meaning, I'm okay with having missed a day, and would rather miss more days in the future than continue with, a post comprised solely of a GIF of a budgie engaging in action-movie spectacle, which is awesome but I should be blogging in-depth about how rad it is to be in Ireland (not that that's too bad; I'm pretty sure that comes later, when I'm not hypothetically being in Ireland and have time for that sort of thing?) There's a chance for such quality there, as well as with what I've actually been doing this week and posting about, but not even striving for that quality, it's better not to post.

   Not that runaway dogs aren't a quality post either, and I do place high regard for the reliability of posting as well, so yes I'd definitely work to make a post quality before just abandoning the prospect of posting for the day.

   Argh, this post is a piece of garbage so far; if I do post it up, I wonder which way it'll prove toward.

   "Garbage," there, I named the post, and it is now posted. Millennium Falcon reference (and I'd been scrambling for a GIF of it taking off from Jakku or something, before I realized there wasn't time and it was already midnight.) The "ship" part makes less sense, outside of the Star Wars thing... Who's being shipped, now? I'm thinking, Finnick x, Gideon... which I just came up with right just before starting this paragraph, but now can't get out of my head for obvious reasons...

   That last paragraph, and this one, and the one below, these three whole last paragraphs, are something of an EDIT, if it weren't obvious, but written just a few minutes after the post went up right before midnight. My application of tagging post-posting material as being 'edit' is somewhat schizoid, but I use as a baseline whether the final post made holistic sense in its original form, slash, if I was satisfied with it. The post Interesting Times of a few weeks ago I rearranged like crazy several times for a while after it had already been posted, for example, without marking anything as EDIT, while the post the very next day I did mark with an EDIT; I started off unsatisfied with the former and tweaked it until it aligned with my original vision even after it had been made public, and the latter was complete but with one or two factual errors I discovered I needed to address after the fact.

   In this case, the last three paragraphs being appended on as EDITs unmarked until surreptitiously in the second of the three, the integrity of the whole post depends on the EDITs being part of the body itself, but also separate from it at the same time-- an after-the-fact commentary of the post, an immediate acknowledgement of its publication that can't be made any other way except internally. It needs to be separate yet integrated, and well anyway, here it is. I think the post is much better for it, now, not to mention now more than twice as long. And I would've just let the rabbit droppings sit (garbage ship'll do,) if it weren't for coming up with seriously, Finnick x Gideon, I can't get that out of my head.


  1. Why you bring up my blog? You actually read it? 😖

    1. Aw, of course I do! I've told you before, but it bears repeating: you're paranoid needlessly.

    2. aw but of course, I just thought that we said our goodbyes you wouldn't be reading it anymore~ I hope it is better after the Ireland posts~
