Friday, March 24, 2017

But This Stuff Going On???

I'm going to need a darkroom if I'm going to prep any screens- wherein, you coat the silkscreen mesh in a light-sensitive material, which hardens upon exposure to light (and so your image positive blocks out the parts you don't want hardened (thus, the parts that wash out, thus, the parts that ink can pass through.)) The bathroom is, I mean it's a fairly good place for it, you got your wash right there, and it's pretty dust-free in there (you need to let the screen sit for a bit, and the more dust that gets on it in that time the more pinholes you need to fill back in later.) But the lights there, they're not red. Looked for gels today, went to Porter's zip quick, a few minutes before it closed for the day, to see if they've got any, but they don't. They've got see-through colored spray-paint, but I don't want to turn the lights in there red permanently, you know?

I signed up for an intro to lithography class today- same timeslot as Advanced Typography, the class that, you know, my whole schedule had been built around for a few semesters until it turned out it wasn't even being offered this semester but next, and which I signed up for late and am pretty far down in the waitlist for- I'm clearly not holding my breath, and, besides, maybe this lithography class itself won't pan out either; it's under threat of termination because there's too few people signed up. If they can do that, maybe the Advanced Typography will add another section due to high demand? is one thought.

But, all told, next semester... without advanced typography, I've got, one class, in my actual (graphic design) emphasis? And that one's not even on campus, but online. So... heck, man, I don't know. At least I've got a figure drawing class, required of all art majors, which I'm finally taking? (It's either that or head/hands drawing, actually. And the models here wear clothes for some reason? Go figure.)

My heart rate's at 47 bpm right now. Sweet.

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