Friday, March 3, 2017

I Get Robin Williams Mixed Up with Woody Allen Mixed Up with Tim Allen, but That Doesn't Have to Do with Anything

Wanted to have my announcement of my new phone arriving today as a, you know, call, but I'm having trouble transferring my old phone number to the new phone, so right now the only thing my phone's serving as is a, not-phone, because it has no calling-ness. It wants me to have a service plan, and I've got one of those attached to the missing phone (did I ever even say on this blog, my phone went missing over Christmas) but it wants to know the PIN of that particular order, and pshaw man I don't know; I do have a receipt of added airtime but there's no PIN anywhere on it, so either the PIN is on the original and not the extension, or the e-receipt came out incomplete, which is what happened with the e-receipt of the new phone ordered in the first place. I could just order a new data thing, but it's giving me an error message and/or telling me to call the help desk_, everytime I try to go ahead and place an order.

My Pell grant stuff's gotten through and I've got my money, anyway, meanwhile, as long as I'm um bringing stuff that I should probably have mentioned earlier, up. I should calibrate how this (...calibrate? is that the right...? calculate, by any means) fits in and see my school money income-to-expense is now.

And alright, so I guess the time to sign up for next semester's classes has arrived, but I've got zillion hold, so I can't sign up, and some of them are really bizarre exotic species of hold I've never seen before, even in the wild much less in the captivity of my own student account or anything. I think I know how one of them, it's this credit allowance thing or whatever, works; there was this email sent to me telling me that I had taken so many credits already and with that many credits it would be time to be thinking about graduation or something, but then there was this email sent me later telling me no wait never mind our bad we're retracting that statement, but there was this hold placed on my account in the middle there meanwhile, which probably has to do with that, and which was never retracted. And the hold says there'd be information emailed me regarding how to remove it (the hold), but that didn't happen because the hold placed on my account and the emailing of such block removals were not concurrent, so I've just got no idea how to take this thing off of my account. I was going to call in yesterday (assuming my phone would arrive yesterday, which it didn't, so, as soon as my phone arrived and I got it to work anyway) but I can't call obviously so maybe I'll just have to go up to the student office personally to see about getting that hold removed.

Meanwhile there are other holds too, the removal of most of which would be facilitated by if not mandating the use of a phone. So, *sigh...*

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