Sunday, March 5, 2017

Vagueness is Coming; Thanksgiving

Whew. Big things are afoot. Finally advancing in, well I'll leave that to be a surprise, but, expect a lot over the next few days, if I'm able to keep up with everything. I'm excited, though I'm swamped; by all accounts I should be panicking, but, it's not so much that I work well under pressure as much as under pressure is the only place I work. That would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

So right now I'm feeling extremely grateful, extremely humble. My family are all the best. My brothers are all geniuses, my sister might be a genius I don't know (she does have a cushy situation set up for herself, and is going well-paying places, so I'd say that's pretty smart so she's at least a genius of competency; other than that, she hasn't really blogged in, years, and I don't really have many/any avenues to keep up with her as much.) My parents, of course being parents, know everything, so there's that too...!

I love my sister-in-law and my nephew is the cutest kid in the world, probably. Turing two in a little more than a month; that's something. (also geniuses.) I love my future wife, and I know she's got to be a genius 'cause she'll, you know, me.

Tomorrow's going to be nuts, maybe (probably, I mean, well it is a Monday); I think I'll tuck in early so as to get a head start on it early early in the morning.


  1. lol. Love it. Good luck today with all your stuff. And yes, your sister is a genius too.
