Sunday, March 12, 2017

Weed Experience

Alright, so first of all, shameless plug for Furry Experience, this new webcomic I discovered, yesterday evening (well it's been going on biweeklish since 2009 (though it's been two weeks since the last update as of this writing, oh noes!) but it's new to me.) If I had only three minutes to make a post last night, this may have been why? 

I spent a lot of today making my way through the whole thing, from the beginning, (gave me something to do to pass the time until I could eat something, it being fast sunday here after stake conference last week,) and now I'm caught up with all 500+ pages. Woo.
Furry Experience is, like the name suggests, a slice-of-life furry webcomic, set at, it's like UVU but everyone's an anthro for reasons never explained? So there's this culture thing going on, which is great. Catherine "Cat" Feline up there's a Mormon; her roommates and friends have varying degrees of comfortability with the church and/or the culture around the church but they're all attending school in fetchin' Utah so they've all got some familiarity with its teachings and culture, though the jargon and baseline assumptions can be kind of alien/alienating sometimes (as well as vice-versa, as we often see. Like, I'm not sure if anyone really doesn't know what a weed brownie is, but that's a wonderful joke, there; though well yeah I can see Cat not knowing about that kind of thing... we see her clueless as to the ways of the world quite often. I mean, like, there is a lot that she does not know. A lot. That one, though, that one up there, it makes me laugh every time...)

So yeah. I am a fan of this, as I am a fan of all wonderful things. It's sweet and fun and funny and flowing with the milk of human kindness and the, honey of, a lion's carcass I guess, yeah that makes sense*; if I had any money (in the budget that is) I just love it so much I'd become a $100-a-month patron on Patreon. (And also get a Nintendo Switch.**) But you can't always get what you want! As such, I'll just have to settle on, some, lower pledge. As soon as I remember my Patreon password.

Experience. Weed more of it, please.

Getting down to brants, anyway (brass ants; I'm stopping, I swear), getting to the subject of this post, I'm plucking out my right eye! By which I mean, I'm watching no more TV or movies or videos at all for the rest of the month, maybe even the rest of the semester, except those required by any classes of course. It's been a super time waster, a crazy distraction, from study and homework and sleeping and everything, and though I've studied and learned a lot about filmmaking, the greatest inspiration for any art is living life itself. Otherwise you just become super derivative and all, God's Honest Truth, I seen it, and heard it said.

So this may be unconnected, but, another thought.

I take and take and take and take and I don't really ever give anything back, and I've known this, but I'm always architecting instead of gardening, plotting instead of pantsing, and that which I have that can be given back is never ready to be given, and so, I keep on taking in the meantime. Meanwhile, I guess God's been giving, but not in the way that people speak of the way he gives: I have air to breathe and food to eat and things work out in the long run, but I don't get promptings to help people or bear my testimony or anything, the way others speak of it, and my prayers are never answered like when I've lost something and am looking for it. So it occurred to me during fast and testimony meeting (fasting testimony meeting?) with all those who go on about promptings, which I don't get, maybe God's just doing the same thing to me, as I do. Taking and taking and taking and taking, whatever that means, and getting ready to give as soon as I give.

*From the story of Samson, of course. The analogy makes 100% sense, though: milk and honey, natch; but, human, and then, an animal! Like furries! Eh? Eh? I'm a frenius!

**And commission a high-end fursuit. And cook fancy foods more. And rent a studio space somewhere, so that my art crap isn't strewn around the apartment (wouldn't actually move out of the apartment itself; it's too conveniently located to all the places I need access to.)

But really though those things are expensive. Switches, I mean. Definitely best to wait, not only till they come back in stock, but also maybe till they get the kinks ironed out that they seem to be experiencing with Switch gen 1. Not that I'd know from personal experience, but. One does hear things.

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