Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Great Wimpy Deer Mystery

Doing some market research on what can make good t-shirt design (lots of things!) and what can make crappy t-shirt design (lots of things!) First off, I think I may have discovered the single greatest shirt of all time, take notes:


Everything. Just, everything.

Meanwhile, though, I have stumbled across a t-shirt mystery. A mystery that applies not only to t-shirts, but printed garments in general. And that mystery is: what the heck is up with glitter-hoofed 3/4-Bambi and the half-image of the double-exposed naked woman? Not the only image or textile the picture's been printed on, but the one I found that shows the image on front most clearly; obviously because this one's totally fake just to show the image clearly, but other photos do exist of this image on long shirts/short dresses, that kind of thing, and, it's most certainly real.
The more I delve into it, the less the answers make sense. I mean, the world is full of many amazing, unique and unjustly obscure artists, who sometimes get lucky/stolen from and have their works printed on things, so that would maybe explain why the shirt is being made by a different company each iteration I can find of it, but: why this image? What the heck is going on here? Who thought this would be a good idea? It's certainly eye-catching, but, whaaat? Is the woman facing one way with her upper half and the woman facing the other way with her legs, is that from the same painting, just taken and swapped for some reason? What's the deal with what appears to be a black orchid on a "multiply" layer? Did Disney approve of any of this? Did the artist who made this image approve of any of this? Yes? Then how about the version where the image is made from sequins? Certainly that doesn't violate any moral rights?:

Alright, even if that's all legally kosher, it gets weirder. I think is the word you'd use. There's also an apparent rip-off version of the same thing (as if one retailer distributing one version of the image idea weren't inexplicable enough!) It's the same basic thing, only Bambi's whole now, the artwork's gotten a whole lot worse, and the naked lady is gone I guess? There's still some vague memory of the original orchid, almost as though the designer sensed that it was important though couldn't articulate why...
Geez'l'weez, it's like how plastic Chinasaurs keep on getting more and more and more abstract as the various manufacturers all rip off from one another, until there's virtually no resemblance left to the original (usu. 1959 Marx tyrannosaurus) figure...

UPDATE: Alright, apparently Google has this function -I mean I know about it but I apparently keep on forgetting about it, which is weird because it's treated me so kindly in the past- that allows you to plop in an image into the image search bar and it'll tell you what the picture's of and everything. The shirts above are all (knockoff? retail?) of original Givenchy designs from their Winter 14/15 collection. Spring 17 is seeing a re-release of the same design, which would maybe explain the design's resurgence in the knockoff market? The real deal is... expensive, I'll put forth that much. Still doesn't explain where Givenchy's designer got the original idea, and it certainly still leaves the Korean comic-sans thing a mystery, but now I know where to go if I feel like spending $565 on a cotton t-shirt...

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