Tuesday, March 7, 2017

So I Guess I May Have (Something of) a Job Now?

...Beyond, of course, the mysterious, loan-needing'd business I'm starting per my Business for the Professional Artist class (though other fruits from that class were borne today as well, which could lead somewhere, but that's for another time (maybe tomorrow.))

I took, like I said, almost 1,000 pictures total of Fandomonium this semester, on Saturday. People thought I was the official event photog, which wasn't true, but heck maybe I was, I don't know. Two photographers arrived later, one with a press badge, but they weren't around for the full too-many hours (I think it lasted 6 hours this semester, which is nuts.) Those whom I bothered setting straight said, hey man, you should totally get in touch with the events guys, they'd love your photos.

So today, in wait for the, aforementioned Business for the Professional Artist fruits, I went down to the events guys, the secretary desk there, and they pointed me further in, to social activities, and I told social activities, and... they like/need proactive people such as I, just taking photos for fun and all that, and so I was made an admin on the Facebook page (!) so that I could create an album of the photos I took, and was given a t-shirt (!!), and a card, and a booklet, and heck I don't know if you get paid for being a photographer for Social Activities, or anything, but if you do then that'd be triple exclamation points (!!!).

It'd at least make that $2 entry fee worth it.

I selected 67 of the best ~1000 photos, and chose 38 of those to go onto the album (the photos I posted onto Saturday's post were among the 29 left over, which I still liked but weren't as good for one reason or other (of the ones I selected to be on the blog, the reason had to do more with representation than quality: I'd already had portraits similar represented in the album.)) The album is here:


I wonder how it stacks up to the other photographers' photography. We'll see, once those come in, I suppose.

Of the, 900ish that I didn't select to go up anywhere, and the 24 of the 29 of the 67 best that also didn't go anywhere, there are still a few that I really really like but had to cull mercilessly, so if you're curious, I don't know, there are more, if you really need to see them for some reason.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! ...but I doubt you'll get paid, but I could be wrong! Love the photos. The event really looked like a blast.
