Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Five Facile Finals and One Big Onerous One

I'm still severely undermotivated to do my final project in information design. It's been a swell class and all, but I HATE MESHUGGAH WORKBOOKS SO BAD and that's basically what I need to do. Each module is designed to take 9-12 hours to do, and there are more hours than that in a day... I really don't want to work all day on these, those. I've got five modules to finish. I could conceivably have everything caught up in five days. You know, conceivably. Taking 15 minutes on a task is good, just, get started on it, that's the tough part... this week we're supposed to be finishing up on our designs, and then there's one module after that where people test things or whatever, and then we're done! 

My finals in my other classes are:

  • Business for the Professional Artist- make a video advertising yourself. Also there's an open-note, take-home quiz.
  • Motion Design- oh yeahhh shoooot there's a final; better complete that (I'm pretty sure it was actually due by Monday, but he extended it for those of us who spaced it, which is a few people.)
  • Restoration of the Gospel- A class contributions report. Just, write a few paragraphs on how well you contributed to class.
  • Mesoamerican Art- after we finish talking about the Aztecs, which we're starting tomorrow, there's a test on them; then, on the last day of class, there's a paper that we either have to write in class, or have written beforehand that we can just turn in (there are three questions that the final can be on, of which two will be selected for us to choose to write one on; if you write two papers beforehand, you just walk into class and turn in the one that the final question actually turns out to be.)
  • Art Seminar- there's a final seminar on Thursday, graphic designer Muffin Grayson. Attend that and take notes, just like for any other seminar.

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