Monday, March 20, 2017

Late Late Lateness

Checking device manager, it says that the phone was last "used" 12:48 am, yesterday morning, but last synced 10:07 am yesterday morning. Phones aren't used when they're off. Phones aren't synced when they're off. I think my phone is missing because it was stolen. Maybe I did drop it somewhere, but, someone definitely picked it up and is being very naughty with it. Maybe they used it as a burner, and it is now trashed. I don't know. Is there insurance against theft, like, is that covered by the warranty? And does that insurance also cover time and sanity lost through attempted recovery of the phone? Because I had plans, and it was gonna be great, and I was gonna at least begin catching up. Not that I'm using that as an excuse, but... I really was, genuinely excited to get on doing stuff early for a change.

I played hooky, halfway, for the first time in my life today. Today being the last day to turn in assignments for Mesoamerican art class, I spent the time from the end of that class (which got out a few minutes early, like 9:35 instead of 10:00, so I had a few extra minutes to get a head start on it) basically all the way through when it became due at 4:30 when Professor Raish leaves his office and he accepts no more papers, writing up a field guide to Tikal- site guides are worth up to 50 points, I needed maybe 20, plus I already spent the time before class writing up a review of the ancient Pre-Columbian game of Patolli which could be worth up to 10 points, so, maybe Mesoamerican art class might be the one class this semester I may even pass. Well, that and religion class probably. And maybe I did alright in Concentration. And I've attended all the art seminars this semester, so I should be doing fine in that too. But... my two lab classes this semester, they're in a poor way. And I'm not sure how well I'm doing in Business for the Professional Artist class (plan C.5 worked today, at least, so no auto-fail for not making a call, for me.)

I'm feeling very dizzy right now.

At least Brother Thomas for Restoration class is off in D.C. so there's no class this week there, but for motion design class I haven't even finished the last project we've been working on, which sounds all too familiar by this point. That class starts at 2:00, gets out at 4:45, so I attended the last 15 minutes of it at least- went over some very complicated-looking 3D animation program today, and it's the only time they're going over it, but at least it's so complicated that he's also going over everything again in a video online, so who needs to be there in person?

I don't want to say I can't wait for the semester to be over, because the semester still going on is my only chance of catching up. I really, really want this semester to continue.

I'm not sure when it was- maybe Tuesday I think, but definitely sometime last week- but I finally signed up for classes for next semester! Turns out that that had opened up at the beginning of the month, but I had had this stupid hold thing which I think I've told you about, and it was still there even when I completed the requirements they'd told me would remove the hold... I attempted to sign up for classes anyway, because seriously that should have done it, and lo! even with the hold claiming to be on, I could get into classes. Or, onto the waitlist for classes, because I was a full half-month behind everyone else in signing up (yeah, that was it, it was between classes on Wednesday. The 15th, the same number of students waitlisted in front of me for Advanced Typography class!)

Makes me wonder, if that hold wasn't really there though it said it was, was the hold ever on in the first place, and could I have been signing up for classes this whole time...

So! Meanwhile, today when not actively writing my site guide for Mesoamerica class (taking mental breaks from it so that I wouldn't go crazy, etc,) I helped out a little with Ryan, assembling the screen print press. He did it mostly by himself (he wanted to, and we're not done but he wants to be the one to finish it.) It looked like the equipment had all come in, but we had none of the supplies, no ink or anything- I called in, but I had to call back, leave two messages stating and then confirming that everything was okay, when the final package, somehow separated from its siblings, arrived at, I think around 5:30 if I remember correctly, but the UPS website, having registered all 9 packages arriving at the same time, isn't giving me any specific time for this package that reportedly arrived with the rest.

At least it got in, though it was late. That's, the story of my life right now. Late, late, late, and the only way I could get a big paper turned on time in is through being two and a half hours late to another class.

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