Monday, March 6, 2017

Felix Fixes It

Alright, so with the project 4 going on in information design class meaning that we're dictating our own schedules from here on out (more or less), today wasn't really all that crazy, as far as Mondays go. That's not an excuse to slack or anything, but it is good news. Or bad news, insofar as I have to remind myself that it's not an excuse to slack or anything.

My cell phone's up and phone-ing now, thanks to Felix at customer support. I should make the calls I should make, now that I actually can. That'd be good.

Tomorrow is a pretty big day too. Bigger than this one; I'll actually have things to report, rather than just furtively try to hide the bigger of the big stuff that I hinted at yesterday (is it the Nintendo Switch? It's the Nintendo Switch, isn't it? You're getting Breath of the Wild, I hear you saying. To which I reply, my goodness, I wish. It's, um, bigger. There may be- and I'm just saying, for right now, may be- a reason I haven't paid my parents back for tuition yet, even though my grant money's come in. If it's essential that they need be paid back sooner than later, I'm on it like butter on toast, because next semester's money and then some has also already come in, but for now I'm requesting a retroactive business loan, consisting of the money already given me...)

The stuff going down tomorrow isn't so cloak-and-dagger though; it's exciting, but not anything whose reportage can't wait until tomorrow when it's already done.

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