Sunday, October 7, 2018

Flying the Social Media Skies

I almost forgot to post today; posting both a daily blog and a daily Inktober is kind of, well... (exhausting. it's exhausting, which is the prompt of the day, which is why I'm being so ha-ha funny about it.)

I've gotten likes on my posts, but actually haven't gained many followers. Like, one or two. It's just a week into this, and I don't need followers anyway, so, it's fine.

The first couple of times when my posts really began taking off (meaning receiving more than like two likes) I stuck around watching them pour in with alarming rapidity, but these last few days I've just been, not doing that. Putting the phone down asap and checking in much later to see what happened. And I'm not sure why, what motivates that. Is it a deliberate rejection of wasting time on social media watching something that I don't need to see played out in real time? Is it something else? Am I just afraid to be successful with a post or with anything?

Watching YouTube advertisements, it strikes me how many of them are about making lots of money; how many play to the audience's greed, in other words. It works on me for the first five seconds before I realize how naked it all is. (I knew I was opening a can of worms, but might as well just hammer out a couple of thoughts, even if I haven't though the issue full out yet.) To be rich is to be powerful (by the way how does "firing one's own boss" like the video title says even work???) Am I humble, or am I unambitious? And why, am I afraid of the responsibility? What am I working toward? I mean, I'm not working very hard but I am working; do I not work harder because I don't want the attention or what? I guess I'd be fine if followers just sort of showed up to my doorstep for no reason, but would I be willing to actually run outside and seek any down?

Anyway so I just checked my latest post and it's got five likes so far. Preettty goood. Four more people than I'll ever be, so I consider that so hecka famous.

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