Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Sold-Out Skies

(10/11 2:55- this and "tomorrow's" are backdated because like being busy with Inktober and stuff like that.)

Alright or maybe the idea that I don't want to see those numbers come in (of hits and stuff) is because of how those numbers got there. They got there through hashtags!, because I hashtagged them!, so that people interested in that kind of content would notice them!, because honey this is web 2.0, and that's the price of admission; and that's fine and everything but I'm setting myself up to be noticed when of course there's still that part of me which is all, no don't be noticed, don't let anyone see your artses, they're (hahaha, and the word of the day is precious today, the prompt for inktober!) they're inadequate anyway, and sure maybe they'd be adequate if nobody noticed them, but you're hashtagging them!!, and setting yourself up to be noticed when you're not quite adequate for that yet.

A-D-E-Q-U-A-T-E. That's with an a at the start and an e in the middle and an a-e at the end. Next time you want to spell that word. Don't even want to tell you my first crack at spelling the word; there was an "n" in there somehow...

But yeah hashing the tags feels like selling out and any engagement I receive from them seems invalid. Selling out!

I am, like, a naturally quirky person, I guess. Observing random things. Using the Chicken Dance as a means of transportation. Dressing up to stay in and dressing down to go out. I mean, I'm not consistently quirky or anything, I mostly walk places, but, maybe the fact that I am quirky only sometimes makes me... even quirkier? This is a problem I feel with like YouTube anyway; if I did any of this for the camera that'd be doing it, like, for the camera. But I see Hannah making silly videos and just like not caring?? So there's that concept.

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